register a domain |
transfer a domain |
renew a domain |
private WHOIS |
Web3 domains brand new! |

At Namespro.ca, we firmly believe a satisfied customer is a return customer. Our support system allows us to build and maintain a close relationship with our users by listening to the problems or comments, providing the necessary support and tracking the history. We strive to maintain our response time to within 1.5 business hours under normal circumstances. |
Tips: |
Before submitting a ticket, we suggest first performing a search in our Knowledge Base for a detailed and up-to-date answer. It is very likely that the same issue has been addressed by our support team before. Please click here to see a list of all KB articles.
Note: |
If you are a current customer but not logged in, your ticket will not be tracked and you will not be able to view its history later on. |
Dear users,
If you have recently received a renewal message with subject simialr to "risk to lose your domain name", please delete it immediately and ignore. It is a phishing email trying to trick users into providing sensitive credit card information and login details. We have contacted the hosting company of the phishing site and the malicious portal has been taken down.
Please make sure you do NOT click on any suspicious links. Please be advised that all of our communications will come from "support@namespro.ca", not any other email addresses. If you are unsure, please simply go to our site directly at "https://namespro.ca" for transactions. This way, criminals will not be able to divert your traffic to fradulent sites by way of a button in a phishing email. Please make sure to exercise all common online safety practices as always. We will continue to combat the situation with takedown requests and awareness messages. Thank you very much for your attention.
Namespro.ca Management Team